• Question: What household stuff can you use to make a non harmful fire ,that you can touch

    Asked by to Tom on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Thomas Smith

      Thomas Smith answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      First of all, there is no such thing as a non-harmful fire. It is possible to make flames that burn at a much lower temperature than a candle-flame or a wildfire, but these flames are still dangerous if they are close to your skin for a long time.

      Some examples of liquids that will burn with a lower temperature flame are hand sanatisers, surgical spirit, or nail polish remover. To demonstrate this you could wet some cotton wool using the liquid and ignite the cotton wool with a lighter/match. Most of this can be found in the household. It’s important to make sure the cotton wool is resting on something that will not burn (e.g.a ceramic plate).

      It’s important that you are supervised by an adult at all times so you don’t accidentally burn yourself or your surroundings!
