• Question: why do animals have a different bone structure to humans?

    Asked by to Linda, David on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: David Davila

      David Davila answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Animals have evolved different bone structures based on what they need – whales evolved bone structures that help them swim, and bats evolved bone structures to let them fly.

      The weird thing is that even with all these different bone structures, they are still weirdly similar to humans!

      Even though a whale has one fin and a human has a hand with 5 fingers, the bones are strangely similar, as you can see in this picture

      This kind of evidence is what makes us think that even though humans are very different from all the different animals, we all evolved from the same common ancestor millions of years ago!

    • Photo: Linda Cremonesi

      Linda Cremonesi answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Yes, what David said 😀
